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Tag: Money

  • Shitcoin is Simple!

    The world of cryptocurrencies can be complex and confusing, with a plethora of technical terms, jargon, and concepts to navigate. However, when it comes to memecoins, simplicity can be a key factor in their popularity. How Shitcoin and simplicity are related? Shitcoin was built around a simple and easily recognizable concept as a popular internet…

  • What are Decentralized Free Societies looks like?

    Many people will love Decentralized Free Societies because it helps them gain control over their actions and decisions. First let’s take a look at the true meaning of Decentralization. What is Decentralization? Decentralization is the process by which the activities of an organization, particularly those regarding planning and decision making are distributed or delegated away from…

  • Why everybody Loves SHIT as a Digital Currency?

    Everybody loves Shitcoin as an Honest Project. Sometimes it seems like Shitcoin is alive, looking at SHIT’s eyes will Hypnotize People in seconds! You can try it whenever you want! SHIT have catching eyes! Maybe one day an Artificial Intelligence arise from it! We as a ShitcoinCommunity pondering about why people loves Shitcoin and reached…

  • We are Number 1

    As you might know Shitcoin is created to be the Number 1 Meme Coin in the cryptocurrency industry. We are working day and night to achieve Hiroshi’s Visions for SHIT. In this post we are going to review the items that SHIT is already number 1 in them. What are the most important items that…

  • Can Shitcoin considered as a Digital Money?

    First let’s take a brief look at the characteristics of the standard Digital Money. What are the most important characteristics of Digital Money? What are the common types of Digital Money? Conclusion Shitcoin can be considered as a Digital Money. Here are the reasons: In terms of Digital Money types Shitcoin is categorized as a…

  • Why Shitcoin is Hope oriented cryptocurrency token?

    Shitcoin is created by Hiroshi Nakamoto. Hiroshi was a hard working man and he came face to face with death at some point of his life. After series of unsuccessful surgeries he became maim, couple of years later his wife left him for another guy and after about two years he lost his dear in…